Robin Montgomery
Journey Accredited Practitioner, Certified Yoga Instructor, Certificate in Adult Education
Robin is passionate about Osteopathy and health. It is her goal to help people on their healing journey and help people to obtain health through optimal postural alignment. The philosophy of osteopathy is that structure governs function and if any part of the structure is compromised, it affects the whole structure and creates dis-ease within the body.
Robin has been practicing manual osteopathy for 14 years. Robin started integrating osteopathic techniques into her massage practice in 2006, and graduated from 5 years of study at the Canadian College of Osteopathy (Diploma in the Science of Osteopathy D.SC.O.) in Toronto in 2008 where she started converting her 15 years of massage therapy practice into an Osteopathic practice. Robin defended her thesis at the Canadian College of Osteopathy on “Defining What is the Inner Physician’ in 2013 to complete her diploma and credentials as an Osteopathic Manual Practitioner (DOMP). Robin is a member in good standing with the Ontario Association of Osteopathic Manual Practitioners (OAO). Overall, Robin has over 20 years of manual therapy practice under her belt.
Robin has a history of teaching a variety of courses. She was a teacher for 6 years at the Canadian College of Massage and Hydrotherapy and taught Orthopedic Assessments, Musculoskeletal treatments, and Regional Anatomy. She has taught at Humber College in the Safety Engineering program. Courses included Health and Safety Legislation, physics of noise, vibration, and environmental air quality. Robin occasionally teaches anatomy in yoga teacher training programs. Most recently, Robin taught at the Canadian College of Osteopathy. She taught the Small and Large Intestine course and assisted in the Strain Counterstrain course.
Robin understands the stress of the corporate and manufacturing environments having worked at Coca-Cola, Wrigleys, Magna, and several other corporations. With this background, Robin has a deeper understanding and knowledge of the physical and mental challenges that are experienced by her clients. Robin’s corporate experience includes work place inspections, writing policies and procedures, ergonomic evaluations, educating employees on health and safety, WHMIS, and WSIB.
Robin believes that optimal health includes Body, Mind, and Spirit. It is the alignment of this triune that brings about optimal health. Robin continues her postgraduate studies in Osteopathy because she feels that it is important to stay current with her skillset. She considers Osteopathy to be more of a craft and has had the greatest opportunity to travel several times to France to study with Bernard Darraillans. Robin is currently studying James Jealous biodynamics of Osteopathy.
Robin had a spinal fusion in 2007, so she understands pain and can empathize at a very unique level with her patients.