Naturopathic Doctor

Dr. Danielle Essel, N.D.

Dr. Danielle Essel is a Naturopathic doctor. She loves nature walks, card games, fierce hugs from her kids, and learning new things.

She believes that the body should feel like a sanctuary, a place to feel safe and at home with. Unfortunately, somewhere along the way our body has forgotten how to thrive. Somewhere along the way we stopped, or perhaps forgotten, how to listen to what our body is trying to say. Dr. Danielle believes that the connection between us and our body is the key to healing.

She uses Naturopathic tools such as acupuncture, supplementation, herbs and botanicals, homeopathy, foods and lifestyle, to remind the body, and the individual inside of it, what they are capable of.

To book an appointment with Dr. Danielle online, please follow the button below.


Dr. Danielle's practice focuses on:

Reproductive Health

Resolving menstrual cycle imbalances, improving fertility, supporting pregnancy symptoms and health, offering at-home postpartum visits to support parent-baby health and recovery, and alleviating perimenopause/menopause symptoms.


Optimizing the immune system to be strong and resilient, resolving digestive issues and eczema, empowering Autism / ADHD bodies and brains, providing natural support for mental health.

Adult Health

Providing natural solutions for hyperthyroidism/hypothyroidism, fatty liver, gallstones / kidney stones improving the immune system, resolving digestive issues and eczema, empowering Autism / ADHD bodies and brains.